Liz Seal Holistic Massage


Massage has a huge number of benefits to the systems of the body.
Massaging and relaxing the muscles has a positive effect on the whole body.
Relaxation can allow the body to repair and renew to promote wellbeing.
Benefits include:
* Improved posture and mobility which can aid breathing, digestion and blood pressure
* Increased blood flow and circulation
* More effective removal of waste products and toxins
* Improved muscle tone and skin elasticity
* Relief of tension
Massage around the head increases oxygen to the brain and can help to relieve depression and anxiety, and help to promote positive thinking.
When you are stressed, you breathe more rapidly and less deeply. Massage can stimulate slower and deeper breathing to improve wellbeing.
Massage can help to stimulate the production of white blood cells which can improve immunity.
If you are unwell and in pain you may not sleep well, but by promoting relaxation and encouraging sleep, we can have a positive impact on overall health.
Massage gives a feeling of wellbeing allowing us to switch off, unwind and be at peace.
Liz Seal Holistic Massage