Banish the Winter Blues

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

During the winter months, we are often beset by the desire the shut the world away and hide under the duvet. Reduced hours of daylight and colder weather result in many of us spending less time outdoors and indulging in comfort foods. This results in lower levels of vitamin D and, often, an increase in starchy or sugary food in our diet. These elements have been associated with an increase in the ‘Winter Blues’ or in more severe cases seasonal affective disorder.

If you feel a reduction in energy, low mood, irritability or anxiousness during the darker, winter months, there are steps you can take to improve your symptoms. As always, if the symptoms are severe or prolonged you should seek the advice of the medical profession. For most of us, some changes in our daily routine, to increase our exposure to daylight, eat as healthily as possible and get some exercise can combat the milder symptoms.

How can I help you?

Essential oils can play a part in our emotional response to the winter months. The sense of smell has been shown to directly effect the limbic system in the brain, which is the centre of our emotions and memories. The sunny, citrus scents (Sweet Orange, Lime, Grapefruit, Bergamot and many others) are uplifting and gently stimulating, while the floral scents (Lavender, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Geranium and more) can be comforting and relaxing.

Some of the heavier aromas (Frankincense, Sandalwood, Cypress, Ginger) can be useful where sleep patterns are interrupted or when we are feeling anxious or irritable.

Combining the power of aroma with massage will stimulate the senses and boost several autonomic* systems of the body. Massage can stimulate the circulation of both the blood and lymphatic systems, while also toning the muscles and skin. Benefits such as these can be helpful all year round, but especially during the winter when we might feel like pulling the duvet over our heads until spring!

For more information, a consultation about oils which may be helpful for you, or to book a treatment, please contact me.

*The autonomic systems are those outside our conscious control such as breathing, heartbeat, etc.