Category Archives: Uncategorized

The uses of Herbal oils

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

I’ve spent an enjoyable hour this morning researching the traditional uses of some of the common herbs, which I also use as essential oils. I’m looking forward to talking about this subject at Penny Price Academy at our Saturday Club this weekend- it will be great to be back in the building, in person, after 2 years of disruption!
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Holistic massage? What does that mean, anyway?

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Holistic massage? What does that mean, anyway?People often ask me ‘what is Holistic Massage?’ And why do I call myself an holistic therapist? Put simply, holism is an all-embracing approach, recognising that each of us is an interconnected and entire person. Any treatment considers internal and external factors influencing wellbeing, rather than trying to separate one physical or emotional ‘complaint’ away from the whole. Each of us is unique and may react quite differently to external factors- a holistic approach allows me to offer treatments to take all of these factors into consideration. Continue reading

Show your feet some love?

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Show your feet some love?July is here, not that you would be very sure of that if you are outside today! This summer seems to be on something of a ‘shall we or not’, as far as summer weather is concerned. The sunny spells have me reaching for summer sandals and strappy tops (usually with a cardigan handy, I think I just don’t believe that warmer weather will be here to stay….)

Summer sandals make me more aware of my feet, and how I need to show them some love and care. With that in mind, I thought I would tell you more about one of the treatment options I can offer to you. Continue reading

Hot and Cold Stones

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Hot and Cold StonesI thought I would take this opportunity to introduce some of you to one of the ‘tools’ which I can use within a treatment to promote relief from muscle knots and deep-seated tension.

One of the questions on my consultation form asks about sensitivity to heat. This is because I often use hot stones to work deeper into the muscles, and where there is the need, I can also add cold stones into the routine. Continue reading

What is MLD?

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

What is MLDManual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a gentle and rhythmic treatment which can have a powerful cleansing, pain relieving and immuno-stimulant effect.

What does Lymph do?

The lymphatic system is part of the circulation and is closely entwined with the blood system. The lymphatic fluid (lymph) bathes all the tissues of the body, carrying nutrients Continue reading

Blending in Lockdown

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Blending in LockdownJune is here, I think… The past 12 weeks have changed my daily life beyond all recognition, and that of many others too. The stress and anxiety resulting from the Covid Lockdown has turned our world upside down. Working from home, or in restrictive PPE, and more time with tech have taken some getting used to. Zooming, phone calls and social media have replaced the contact we are used to having face to face. I have compensated and adapted, by, among other things, spending lots more time at my sewing machine rather than in my treatment room. Continue reading

These strange times…

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Well, this is a strange time isn’t it? Lots of us having to stay at home, not able to carry out our usual tasks, work and play cancelled… It all feels a bit weird, and uncomfortable.

So how are we staying safe and well in these unsettling times?

I’m trying to keep busy, undertaking an online course to keep the grey cells active and following a morning yoga routine to keep the body active. I am enjoying keeping in touch with friends and family by phone and video call, Continue reading

The Importance of Good Posture

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

The human body is amazing! Our bodies are complex with many inter-connecting systems and organs working in harmony to keep us healthy. We are put together in such a way as to have an astonishing range of movements and functions, but we will only ’work’ to our optimum ability is everything is aligned correctly…. Which is where good posture comes in. Continue reading

The Importance of Relaxation

Liz Seal Holistic Massage


We are always being told to slow down and relax, but why is this so important? After all, some ‘positive’ stress gives us a burst of energy, meet daily challenges and motivates us to reach our goals. Stress is also a trigger for the ‘fight or flight’ mechanism, flooding the body with chemicals which increase blood pressure and heart rate. In small doses and under control, stress is a good thing….

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