These strange times…

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Well, this is a strange time isn’t it? Lots of us having to stay at home, not able to carry out our usual tasks, work and play cancelled… It all feels a bit weird, and uncomfortable.

So how are we staying safe and well in these unsettling times?

I’m trying to keep busy, undertaking an online course to keep the grey cells active and following a morning yoga routine to keep the body active. I am enjoying keeping in touch with friends and family by phone and video call, though technology makes things interesting at times! Sewing, baking, tidying drawers and cupboards…lots of jobs I usually don’t have enough time for. Malc is rebuilding the front of the house- only the overhanging bit, but it seems to be quite a big job! It’s keeping him busy, for this week anyway. He’s also taken to going for a run in a morning to make up for the lack of squash, table tennis and golf…. Even Aaron the Dog is out of sorts….he’s getting more long walks than he’s used to, and sometimes needs some encouragement to keep going on the second or third walk of the day (we take it in turns….)

I am spending some time in my treatment room, blending lotions and potions for people and coming up with combinations of oils to diffuse here to keep us in the best health we can. Todays blend includes oils for hay fever to reduce the sniffles and itchy eyes that we’re all suffering with now that the pollen count has risen. Using the same blend of oils all the time results in becoming a bit ‘nose-blind’ so having different oils to burn from time to time helps keep things fresh.

Not being able to see all of my lovely clients and help relieve the aches and pains or support you in times of emotional upheaval is difficult. Being unable to meet with my Christian family to worship at Easter is pretty stressful too, although with the help of the internet we are trying to keep in touch. Remember that I am here if you need to catch up.

I am counting my blessings that I have Malc and our house-mate Elisabeth with me, and the technology to keep in contact with my wider family. Making a habit of being grateful for the blessings rather than moaning about what I haven’t got is another daily routine to practice- it does take practice, but how very worthwhile.

My prayer this Easter is that we all stay safe and well and that life will one day return to ‘normal’…whatever that turns out to be on the other side of this. Lessons learned and new, good daily routines firmly in place?

Keep in touch? xx