Me Time- Essential not Luxury!

January seems to have lasted a long time, between the wet and chilly weather and the colds and coughs that have done the rounds, the bright lights of Christmas seem a distant memory.  I love the winter, but give me cold, crisp sunny days over grey and rainy ones any time.

I don’t make New Year resolutions, but I am trying to set intentions which feels more realistic and achievable. Intentions can be daily, for a short time or long term and can be thought, written or spoken. One of my intentions for this year is to spend some time looking after number One. This attitude still feels self-indulgent and a bit selfish, but as the saying goes, we cannot pour from an empty jar.

So how can we replenish our energy levels and refill the jar?

Taking some time in the fresh air, even if it’s only a 5-minute walk round the park, will refresh and reawaken, literally blowing away some cobwebs. (Easier to take this advice when it’s not grey and rainy, but even then, being outdoors for a short time will be beneficial).

Getting some exercise, whether it be organised team games, a fitness programme or YouTube video in the lounge. Exercise will release endorphins into the blood stream improving the mood. Improved flexibility and fitness will also have long term benefits.

Spend time with friends, meet and have a cuppa and a chat to ‘set the world to rights’, reconnecting with ourselves as well as with the people in our lives.

Do something just for you- snuggle up with a blanket and a good book, book a spa day, spend time baking, light a fire, watch a film; whatever suits you best. Its fine to take some time to do nothing if that’s your choice, its rest- not laziness!

Meditation is a way to be still and listen to our thoughts. There are a number of free apps and online resources to help build this habit into your day. Even a minute or 2 will start to make space in your mind….

Make a commitment to yourself, show the inner you some love and affection. By giving yourself time and space, you will be more able to give to others. Of course, the treatment room, with the heated under-blanket and cuddly, fluffy throw, the consideration that goes into each oil blend and the intention of care in the massage are all ready and waiting for you too. Give me a call?