The uses of Herbal oils

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

I’ve spent an enjoyable hour this morning researching the traditional uses of some of the common herbs, which I also use as essential oils. I’m looking forward to talking about this subject at Penny Price Academy at our Saturday Club this weekend- it will be great to be back in the building, in person, after 2 years of disruption!

Garden herbs have been used medicinally for centuries. Herbalists use teas, tinctures and creams made from these plants to alleviate a number of  health conditions. The essential oils are concentrated and should not be taken internally, however using them topically and in the correct dilution can bring relief in a similar way.

A few examples- Salvia officinalis (Sage) can be used to aid digestion, relieve cramps, for cuts and burns, to reduce inflammation and fight bacterial infections. The name Salvia is derived from the Latin ‘salvere’ which means ‘to be saved’.

Rosemary was used to preserve and enhance the memory, and is being investigated for use in treating Alzheimer’s.

Thymus vulgaris (Thyme) was used to lower blood pressure, alleviate coughs and congestion and to disinfect the home. It is a component in some over the counter acne medication, being antiseptic and cleansing.

Peppermint has been used to relieve nausea, indigestion and cold symptoms. Its cooling properties are used in the management of fevers.

Using the herbs in your cooking adds flavour and interest to your dishes, with the added health benefits….. although you might need to be fairly generous to gain relief from more troubling concerns?! If you would like advice on using herbal essential oils, please get in touch.