The Importance of Relaxation

Liz Seal Holistic Massage


We are always being told to slow down and relax, but why is this so important? After all, some ‘positive’ stress gives us a burst of energy, meet daily challenges and motivates us to reach our goals. Stress is also a trigger for the ‘fight or flight’ mechanism, flooding the body with chemicals which increase blood pressure and heart rate. In small doses and under control, stress is a good thing….


It is when stress becomes a part of our daily grind and we cannot switch off that we need to learn to relax, to reduce our heart rate, moderate blood pressure and relieve tension.

Relaxation aids digestion as we absorb essential nutrients more efficiently when relaxed, which in turn helps to fight off disease and infection. By reducing stress, the flow of blood increases around our body, giving us more energy. This also allows us to have a clearer, calmer mind, aiding positive thinking.

Practice makes perfect?

Practicing relaxation is paramount to managing stress. There are a number of techniques which can be learned to promote relaxation, including:

  • Spending time focusing on your breathing- just a few minutes of concentration on the breath will allow you to slow down and take stock.
  • Meditation- sit outside with a cuppa watching the clouds or gazing at the flames of the fire or a candle. There are a range of apps which offer guided meditation; I’ve used Stop, Breathe and Think which has a range of timed guided meditations.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation- tighten and relax your muscles in turn around the body.
  • Visualisation- imagine a restful place and focus on the details.
  • Take a walk, being mindful of your surroundings, pay attention to the plants, trees, sights, sounds and smells.

Taking planned time out of your busy week to give yourself space and time to Relax will help you to Renew and Repair…This is where I can help. Massage has been shown to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure and aid restful sleep. For appointments and more information contact me.