Freshen your day, the Aromatherapy way!

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

I love creating and crafting!

I have recently discovered the beauty and benefits of Lava stone as a personal oil diffuser by combining lava stone with colourful jewellery beads. By wearing this jewellery as a bracelet or necklace, the oils will diffuse gradually throughout the day. This will freshen the air around you, subtly fragrance and lift the spirits. Add a drop or 2 of your favourite oil blend to the lava stone and allow a few minutes for the oil to be absorbed.


We all like to keep our homes and work-places fresh and clean. Pressure from the media tries to convince us that we have to use a range of chemical fresheners. Adding more chemicals to our environment can cause allergic reactions and breathing difficulties. By using natural essential oils we can freshen the air and look after our health at the same time.


Ways to use essential oils as air fresheners.

There are a range of diffusers available, from electric plug-in models to ceramic candle designs which are more decorative. The electric ‘Aromastone’ style diffusers can be used safely in the bedroom or lounge as they do not get very hot. Aroma Humidifiers are also available which will also moisten the air, these often have lights which can be soothing and relaxing.  The style I use has a timer, and an auto cut off in case the water runs out. The candle style ceramic diffusers should not be left unattended for safety. With Aromastone and candle diffusers, the essential oil can be added to water to prolong the fragrance of the oils.


Care should be taken with the oils used, to ensure the therapeutic benefits required. Contact me for information on the range of oils available.