‘Hot sweats and Grumpy days?’

Liz Seal Holistic Massage


Whether a woman has children or not, her body is a complex machine for making babies! Most of us will spend over 6 years of our lives enduring periods. Added to this inconvenience, many women suffer before the cycle with PMT. Once the periods stop, we are often at the mercy of the menopause! Pregnancy also brings its own rollercoaster of hormonal changes. So, is there anything we can do to support our hormonal lives?


The simple answer is…YES!

To support our hormone balance, we can use several natural routes to reduce the severity of symptoms. Stress, poor diet, smoking over-work and the cycle of anxiety can all exaggerate the symptoms. Medical advice should always be sought if the symptoms are severe.

PMT can include physical symptoms including fluid retention, tender breasts, headaches, weight gain, spots, and nausea. Emotionally, we can experience depression, mood swings, weepiness or unpredictable behaviour. These symptoms can last from few days to 2 weeks before menstruation and are caused by the change in hormone levels in the days prior to the period.

Menopause can include some (or all!) of the symptoms above, but can also include hot flushes, night sweats, and a tendency to put on weight! There may also be an under lying anxiety about the natural changes our bodies are going through – concern about growing older or the removal of choice regarding having children! That ticking body clock?

So how can we help ourselves?

Nutrition is thought to have a profound effect on our hormone balance. Some nutritional supplements have been shown to support the balance of oestrogen and progesterone, including Evening Primrose Oil. A vitamin and mineral supplement to boost the B vitamin and magnesium intake (or a diet rich in these) can also be helpful. Reducing the intake of caffeine, refined sugar and dairy products can also help to reduce the severity of the symptoms.

Some essential oils have been shown to mimic the effects of the hormones. Using a bespoke blend of oils in the bath or in a lotion applied to the abdomen and lower back for 10 days prior to and throughout the period can bring relief. Oils can also be diffused to inhale. Inhalation is one of the fastest ways to introduce the oils to the blood stream and can have a profound effect on us emotionally. Having a regular body massage will aid relaxation, ease tired and stressed muscles and contribute to balancing the hormones all at the same time!

For further information, consultation on bespoke oil blends or to book a treatment, please contact me.