Liz Seal Holistic Massage
The darker winter months can bring all of us down to some extent, the desire to snuggle up on the sofa with a hot drink and an old film, or not wanting to crawl out from under a warm duvet in the mornings… But for those who suffer with Seasonal Affected Disorder these feeling can be much more extreme.
The darker days can bring feelings of anxiety, depression, lethargy, mood changes and sleep problems. There are ways to combat these feelings, from using daylight lamps (phototherapy), trying to get out into the fresh air and daylight, taking anti-depressants, and counseling. However, taking medication can sometimes trigger lethargy and disturb sleep patterns, which is just what the sufferer may be trying to overcome.
The sense of smell is closely linked to the emotional centre in the brain, triggering the limbic system which controls our moods and regulates our circadian rhythm (the body clock) which in turn releases hormones including melatonin and serotonin. These hormones have been shown to be reduced in the winter months, and it is thought can contribute to the symptoms of SAD. By stimulating the sense of smell, we can actively lift our mood, reduce depression and anxiety and promote natural sleep patterns. The use of essential oils by inhalation or used as a daily body lotion or bath oil can be stimulating, relaxing or to fight the feelings of sadness and melancholy. Vapourising a blend of oils can have a positive and uplifting effect, while relaxing in a scented bath can help promote a restful night's sleep.
For further information, it would be recommended to consult a qualified clinical aromatherapist to ensure that the essential oils used are to have the required therapeutic benefits.