Saturday club

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Saturday Club is a meeting held at Penny Price Aromatherapy (Maple Drive, Hinckley, LE10 3BE) on the 2nd Saturday of the month. The talk starts at around 10.30, and usually lasts an hour. We welcome anyone who has an interest in Aromatherapy, therapists and non-therapists alike. A talk and power point lead the discussion about oils that may be helpful in a different area of health and wellbeing each month. Each of the oils featured is described with focus on the properties that make it useful to the therapist, while techniques that can be used in the home are also included.
I have the pleasure of leading most of the sessions, researching the oils required and searching for unusual or less well-known oils to keep all attendees interested. We will pass round the oils to smell ; the aroma of the oil will give us clues as to the usage and benefits of the oil. A conversation often ensues regarding what the oils have been helpful for and the best ways to combine oils for maximum benefit.
Some of the topics covered…
In December, we looked at ‘Mulled Wine’ and the spices and flavours which are commonly included in this traditional winter treat. We also had the opportunity to sample a small glass of mulled wine! In January, I am planning a talk about oils which may be helpful for Arthritis and other joint conditions. Some of the talks are followed by a workshop, putting into practical use the oils, lotions and other carrier mediums we have talked about. There is no charge for attendance, you can attend without prior booking, although for workshops we do ask for pre-registration to allow us to plan for the number of people interested.
Please contact me or Penny Price Aromatherapy for any more information.