That blocked up feeling- Sinusitis

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

The sinuses are small, empty spaces behind the cheek bones and forehead, which connect to the inside of the nose. If the mucous membranes of the sinuses become inflamed or infected, the drainage of the mucous is restricted, making you feel blocked up and congested. Sinusitis is a common infection, often striking after a cold or flu. Symptoms may include pain, swelling and tenderness around the cheeks, eyes and forehead, reduced sense of smell, headaches and a raised temperature.

To combat sinusitis, plenty of rest, increased fluid consumption and taking pain killers can contribute to reducing the symptoms. Using a warm compress, such as a warm flannel, over the face for a few minutes, several times a day can reduce the discomfort. Breathing warm, moist air can soothe the mucous membranes. Add hot water to a bowl, then cover your head with a towel to concentrate the flow of moisture and breathe gently for about 10 minutes. Adding essential oils to the water will also reduce inflammation and help to clear the blocked-up feeling. Care must be taken with the oils selected, as some can irritate the sensitive linings of the sinuses.

Essential oils for sinusitis.

The eucalyptus family of oils are high in oxides, the breathing molecules, and will help to clear the respiratory tract. Eucalyptus globulus is a powerful decongestant, is anti-catarrhal, expectorant and antibacterial. Eucalyptus radiata is a softer, more gentle oil, making it effective but less ‘aggressive’ for more delicate people.

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and expectorant. This helps to reduce pain and clear away the infected mucous while encouraging the production of healthy mucous linings.

Sweet Thyme (Thymus vulgaris ct linalool) is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-viral, while also gently boosting the immune system. This makes this oil useful for any infectious conditions, particularly coughs, colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis and sinusitis.

There are a wide range of other essential oils which can be used in respiratory infections. A bespoke blend of oils, to take into consideration your symptoms and general health can be recommended, following a details consultation. For more information or to book a consultation, please contact me.