Sciatica and lower back pain.

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body, running from the lower spine down the leg to the foot. Sciatica is a condition where the sciatic nerve is inflamed and is characterised by severe pain running along the nerve pathway. The pain or discomfort can also be described as tingling or pins and needles, sometimes with weakness or numbness in the buttock or leg. Sciatica usually affects one side only. Causes of sciatica include lower back tension, poor posture, stress, problems with the discs of the spine, or can be the result of diabetes or pregnancy.

There are steps you can take to reduce the inflammation and the pain of lower back, buttock and leg associated with sciatica. For most people the symptoms ease within 4-6 weeks, if the symptoms are severe or persistent or if the pain is in both legs, medical advice should be sought.

What can we do?

There are a range of stretches for the buttocks and lower back which will help to increase the strength and flexibility, which will in turn reduce the discomfort of the sciatica. Aim to do these stretches every day and try to include some gentle exercise into your weekly routine. Walking, swimming and yoga are all exercises which can help to strengthen the lower back and core muscles. (There is a useful section on the NHS website showing the stretches suggested.)

There are a range of holistic treatments which can bring relief to the discomfort of sciatic pain. Essential oils including the mint family to reduce pain and the chamomile oils which are anti-inflammatory can be used. Massage will allow the muscles to relax which may allow the vertebrae to fall back into their natural alignment. Using heat to relax the area (with a heat pack, hot bath or with hot stone massage) can also bring relief. Acupressure points in the lower back can be stimulated, which will ease the pain. Herbal or dietary supplements, such as including more garlic and turmeric in your diet can relieve the inflammation and boost your immune system.

For more information on the holistic treatments available, please contact me for an appointment.