Spotlight on Jasmine

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

In each of my ‘spotlight’ blogs, I focus on an oil I use in my treatment room and in bespoke blends for my clients. I find the traditional uses and folklore fascinating. Often the traditional uses are proven by the science we have available to us today! So, let me introduce you to today’s spotlight: ‘Jasmine’… Continue reading

6 Positive habits to make a difference?

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

I found this fabulous post on Pinterest, (link at the bottom of the page) and it all makes sense, so I’ve paraphrased it into a shorter list. Whether diagnosed or not, we may all experience times of low mood or anxiety. Getting into some good habits on a daily basis has been shown to improve our state of mind and may help to change the direction we are heading in emotionally.

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Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Frozen shoulder is a chronic condition affecting the movement and comfort of the shoulder joint. Frozen shoulder happens when the tissues around the joint become inflamed, then the tissues shrink and get tighter, causing pain and a reduction in mobility. It can be as a result of injury or surgery which restricts the movement of the arm, but there can be occurrences where there is no known cause. Diabetics may be more prone to this type of condition, so regular diabetic health checks are always recommended.

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Allergic reactions- why? and what can we do?

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Many common skin complaints are due to an allergic reaction, or hypersensitivity to specific conditions or substances. Allergies are said to be on the increase, due to higher stress levels and the general over-exposure to food additives, insecticides and other synthetic chemicals. Why people develop allergies is something of a mystery, and finding a ‘cure’ can be complex, simply removing the offending agent is not always easy! Continue reading

Sciatica and lower back pain.

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body, running from the lower spine down the leg to the foot. Sciatica is a condition where the sciatic nerve is inflamed and is characterised by severe pain running along the nerve pathway. The pain or discomfort can also be described as tingling or pins and needles, sometimes with weakness or numbness in the buttock or leg. Sciatica usually affects one side only. Causes of sciatica include lower back tension, poor posture, stress, problems with the discs of the spine, or can be the result of diabetes or pregnancy. Continue reading

Spotlight on Eucalyptus Oils

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

Spotlight on Eucalyptus OilsEucalyptus is an evergreen tree which grows up to a height of 100m with leathery, pale green/blue leaves and small white flowers. There are over 700 varieties of Eucalyptus, with around 500 producing aromatic essential oil. This family of oils has been distilled since around 1788, when 2 Australian doctors used the oil for treating chest problems and colic. The Blue mountains of New South Wales are so called because there is a blue haze that envelops the landscape. This is caused by the density of Eucalyptus trees which grow in this area and exude their aromatic resin into the air. In this powerfully aromatic environment the medicinal qualities of this ancient tree would be hard to miss. Continue reading

Banish the Winter Blues

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

During the winter months, we are often beset by the desire the shut the world away and hide under the duvet. Reduced hours of daylight and colder weather result in many of us spending less time outdoors and indulging in comfort foods. This results in lower levels of vitamin D and, often, an increase in starchy or sugary food in our diet. These elements have been associated with an increase in the ‘Winter Blues’ or in more severe cases seasonal affective disorder. Continue reading

That blocked up feeling- Sinusitis

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

The sinuses are small, empty spaces behind the cheek bones and forehead, which connect to the inside of the nose. If the mucous membranes of the sinuses become inflamed or infected, the drainage of the mucous is restricted, making you feel blocked up and congested. Sinusitis is a common infection, often striking after a cold or flu. Symptoms may include pain, swelling and tenderness around the cheeks, eyes and forehead, reduced sense of smell, headaches and a raised temperature. Continue reading

Myofascial release and Trigger points

Liz Seal Holistic Massage

I enjoyed a day of training this week, learning about these techniques to allow me to more effectively help my clients to relax, repair and renew. These techniques are performed on dry skin, before applying massage oil and rely on client feedback to assist in the release of deeply held tension and discomfort. While not in themselves relaxing, the resultant melting away of deep muscle pain can be felt as relief. Continue reading